US Senate Ocean Acidification Hearing

Comments on Ocean Acidification Testimony of John T. Everett  



From Private Group

It is really amazing that "scientists" aren´t able to make basic calculations resting on observed facts. It is refreshing to read what John Everett states below.
There is hope as long as there are some true scientists left who refuse compromizing with basic scientific methods (They will for sure never become a majority as far as I can judge)

From News Organizations

Yahoo News/McClatchy News   John Everett , a former scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who's now a consultant on ocean issues, told the subcommittee that the oceans will remain alkaline even as they absorb more carbon dioxide. Everett said that rainwater, which absorbs carbon dioxide as it's falling, is 100 times more acidic than ocean water is. He also assured beachgoers that their feet won't dissolve when they enter the water. "It doesn't look like it is a problem," Everett said. "I don't see damage." Barry said Everett was engaging in a game of semantics, adding that if the oceans are becoming less alkaline they are becoming more acidic. "All the predictions I have seen, even the more conservative, say we will see significant changes," Barry said.



From Tweets


From Blogs


Not until your feet dissolve stepping in water will there be anything to worry about. These are the words of an actual scientist. John Everett, a former scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who's now a consultant on ocean issues, told the subcommittee that the oceans will remain alkaline even as they absorb more carbon dioxide. Everett said that rainwater, which absorbs carbon dioxide as it's falling, is 100 times more acidic than ocean water is. He also assured beachgoers that their feet won't dissolve when they enter the water. "It doesn't look like it is a problem," Everett said. "I don't see damage." - Source So Fox and CNN can give equal time to the two 'sides' and people will not have to worry. And hey after that, they can just keep their feet out of the fricken water, n'est pas? As long as 'consultant' scientists can be bought, there will never be a thing to worry about.




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